
Flow Cookies


Flow Cookies (Legendary OG x FLOW) produces progeny that are approximately 20% type 3 / 80% type 2. Flowers range from green to purple, with terpene profiles reminiscent of blueberry, chocolate, cream, and undertones of sharp garlic. This variety takes the cake for the most pungent terpenes and flavor for the entire 2023 crop – absolutely exquisite! Flow Cookies is the right choice if you’re looking for a spicy, cerebral experience with intense flavor and aroma. As a matter of fact, the most outstanding phenotype from the entire 2023 outdoor season was found among Flow Cookies seedstock. This flower is sensimilla and was cultivated organically and harvested in Fall 2023. Furthermore, this flower was grown from seed, meaning many phenotypes exist among the batch.

NOTE: this flower is 20% price reduced because it is from the 2023 outdoor season. All flower is stored at 60 F/60% RH year-round, and as a result, is preserved as well as it can be for it’s age. It is still perfectly viable, and the price is proportional to the quality.

Cultivation setting: outdoor x organic native soil
Effect: heavy-hybrid
indica-dominant hybrid
Aroma: cream, blueberry, chocolate, garlic
Total cannabinoids: 15.61%
CBD: 9.11%
CBG: 1.01%
CBC: 0.45%
THCa: 4.98%

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight N/A
Size (hemp flower)

28 grams (smalls), 3.5g (smalls), 1 gram, 2 grams, 3.5 grams, 7 grams, 14 grams, 28 grams, 1 lb.